In the previous astroblog, I noted various Biblical references that inferred May 18, 2024, forty days following the April 8 eclipse, could be a time of judgment. Apparently, God was impatient because on May 15 huge problems began as I predicted, specifically in the Houston/Galveston area as well as Texas in general. This not only proves you can't make this stuff up, but that astrology can be used for predictions when you know what to look for. The eclipse was directly over the Houston/Galveston area, as shown by the map below. On May 15 a barge hit the causeway between Galveston and Pelican Island, causing the bridge to partially collapse and spilling oil in Galveston Bay (Where have we seen that before, eh?). On that date, the Sun was in tight conjunction with Jupiter, the Cazimi, or peak, yet to come. The next evening, May 16, a severe storm system hit Houston, killing four people, causing flooding, a power outage that affected just sort of a million people, breaking out high-rise windows, and resulting in general mayhem. It's been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Thus, here are some pictures of the damage to the causeway as well as in Houston, including links to news stories that include videos. I'm not usually one to brag, but I doubt anyone will disagree that I nailed this one. No telling what more will come on the 18th. For convenience, here are a few excerpts from the previous blog: " Exodus 4:8 (numbers that correspond with the date April 8) states: "And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe thee, neither hearken to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign." "When that may occur is implied by the Biblical standard of 40 days. Forty days after the April 8 eclipse is May 18. That's an interesting day astrologically that gives me shivers. That's the day of the Jupiter cazimi, i.e. when Jupiter, the planet that represents judgment, is "in the heart of the Sun." Even indigenous people perceived the Sun as God. When I observed the 2017 eclipse my impression was that of God turning away from the USA. Unfortunately, I did not see the April 8 eclipse due to cloud cover (that looked a lot like chemtrails, just sayin'), even though it was supposed to be visible from this area... "One possible location where this might play out on May 18 is Houston, Texas. Why Houston? Because the April 8 eclipse went right over it. Okay, the lines technically went right over Galveston Bay, from which the Houston Ship Channel runs to the Port of Houston. The "Mc" notation at the top indicates it was right overhead on the Midheaven... "Neptune at the eye of the yod plus a Grand Water Trine comprised of Saturn, Uranus and Mars certainly hint at the importance of water to what is now the 3rd largest city in the USA, for good and for ill. The Port and its economic influence is favorable for the area; not so good, the implication for hurricanes. Neptune also rules oil, the petroleum business another big influence for the area." See the previous blog for astrological details behind my concern this area was in for some trouble. Looking at the map, you can see that Pluto, Mercury, Zeus and Vulcanus are doing a number of Louisiana. The storm that just decimated Texas is heading there as I write. Links to news stories on both events: https://www.foxweather.com/weather-news/thunderstorm-damage-houston-texas https://weather.com/news/weather/news/2024-05-16-houston-severe-weather-tornado-rain https://apnews.com/article/bridge-barge-galveston-texas-6c112f0032ab88fbdd0c78d1957247c8 The next time someone says that astrology doesn't work, feel free to send them this. It should also give pause to those who scorned the suggestion that 40 days would bring judgment-style events.
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