This delineation is one that should have been included in my book, "The Dark Side of Eclipses," but time ran out if I was to get it published before the April 8, 2024 eclipse. Thus, I'm including it here for completeness sake. When the Sun goes into a Cardinal sign,
it marks the start of a new season. For Aries, this is the
Spring Equinox, and the start of a new astrological year.
Ingress charts are a staple in mundane astrology since they
set the tone for the coming three months. Lunations that
follow the ingress further define coming events. [NOTE:--For those of you with an eagle eye, the chart dates looks contradictory. The header is based on GMT and programmed into my astrological software, while the chart is for EDT, so it's different dates in the two locations.] Sun/5th/Aries
For Washington D.C., the Sun is in the
house that includes the Senate, children, sports, the
entertainment industry, speculation and its cousin, gambling.
Aries is an energetic and impulsive sign as well as that of
the warrior. Many mass shootings take place under the sign of
Aries along with other violent situations. It's also the heart
of tornado season. Sun/5th/Aries
tri Moon/9th/Leo Trines link signs of the same element, in
this case Fire. This implies spontaneity and potentially
aggression that's difficult to ignore. The 9th house includes
the media, other countries, academia, the courts, and
religious institutions. One possible influence that's hard to
miss is that the Senate does something newsworthy. Sun/5th/Aries
sxtl Pluto/3rd/Aquarius The 3rd house includes such things as
infrastructure and neighboring countries as well as roads,
mail, telephone, communications, primary education, and blogs.
The hot item has been infrastructure as it relates to the
Mexican border issues. Will the Senate finally take action on
this controversial issue? Moon/9th/Leo
opp Pluto/3rd/Aquarius This opposition
is part of an aspect pattern with the two previous aspects
that is known as a Triangle of Potential. The planet at the
apex, in this case the Sun, is mediating the opposition.
Pluto in the 3rd suggests taking control of the border where
illegal and lethal activity is occurring, particularly the
influx of individuals who represent a threat along with
deadly drugs such as Fentanyl. The media has
largely ignored this volatile issue. If nothing else, this
aspect pattern shows that the Senate can control the
situation. It's a matter of whether they will or not. Mars/4th/Aquarius
ssxtl Neptune/4th/Pisces A semisextile is
a minor aspect that can operate as a cloud with a silver
lining. It usually indicates an annoyance or friction that
with effort can be turned to an advantage. The 4th house
covers land values and usage, history and historical
self-perception, family policies and the opposition party.
Mars wants to take action for the sake of the people as
ruler of the 6th while Neptune is idealistic and prone to
deceit and illusions. This implies that any action will be
no more than an illusion, probably a nothing-burger coated
with disinformation. With literally millions of illegal
immigrants already in the country, it's likely to be too
little too late. Poseidon/1st/Scorpio
cnj Ascendant The Trans-Neptunian, Poseidon, is
conjunct the ascendant. In general he represents clarity,
philosophy and politics though in his lowest form, propaganda.
Poseidon is retrograde, suggesting these qualities are
internalized, perhaps leaning toward propaganda. Scorpio is
the sign that rules death, is saturated in secrecy, and driven
by deep passion. This combination doesn't bode well, but
smells like political agendas and deals being carried out
under the table. "Nothing to see here, people." Saturn/4th/Pisces
tri PoF/8th/Cancer Saturn in Pisces
softens his usual characteristics, such as enforcing
boundaries, creating obstacles, demanding and building
structure, and projecting authority. In mundane, he's the
significator of conservatives, suggesting they'll soften
their stance. The trine with the Part of Fortune in the 8th
house of death has too many contradictions to be
encouraging. Saturn is dysfunctional and little related to the 8th house of
death is to be celebrated. Will this situation be allowed to
play out to its natural conclusion? Do conservatives want to
sit back, watch the fireworks, and declare "I told you so!"
as opposed to correcting it? Give the opposition enough rope
to figuratively hang themself? What about all the collateral
damage along the way before natural consequences take
effect? One
possibility, unlikely though it may be, would be that an
inspired solution is discovered that transforms the
situation in a positive way. The millions of illegal
immigrants already in the country assimilate peacefully with
all's well that ends well. Yeah, right.
If you believe that, then you're definitely under the
influence of Neptune. Hades
cnj PoF/8th/Cancer Hades, master of destruction, conjunct
the Part of Fortune, and therefore also trining Saturn, does
not suggest a favorable, peaceful ending. Eris/6th/Aries
opp Zeus/11th/Libra Immigrants are
faced off with Zeus in the house of groups, which includes
Congress. Zeus, like Poseidon, is retrograde. Indeed, the
only Trans-Neptunians that are not retrograde are Admetos,
who concentrates issues, and Cupido, who gathers like-minded
people together. In this
dysfunctional state, it doesn't look as if Congress will do
anything helpful. However, the 11th includes other groups.
Could this be the Texas Nationa Guard facing off with
immigrants? Jupiter/6th/Taurus
sxtl Kronos/8th/Cancer Jupiter, which represents the courts
among other things, is in the house that represents the common
people as well as health. Kronos ordinarily operates with
finesse, but while retrograde, this could manifest as all talk
and no do. Jupiter inflates what he touches, so this looks
like much ado about nothing. If it does result in anything, it
could be life-changing. Perhaps the people finally make enough
noise that the government will listen. It is an election year
and when Congress Critters are maybe more inclined to listen.
sqr Vertex/8th/Cancer This implies that not taking action is
fated and the situation will come to its natural conclusion.
That does not sound encouraging. Let's see what happens when
the Ingress chart is integrated with the Sibly chart. I-Sun/3rd/Aries cnj
4th Cusp The ingress Sun on the 4th
house cusp implies that things are about to change since this
is the house of endings and new beginnings. The rest of his
entourage, i.e. the North Node, Mercury, Chiron, Eris, and Phaethon, precede
him into in action-oriented Aries. I-NN, Mercury,
Chiron, Eris, Phaethon rolling stellium/4th The Sun's entourage carries
an interesting message. It suggests that information is coming
that relates to injuries incurred by immigrants that will
cause them to crash and burn. Perhaps natural consequences are
on the way after all. Sun/3rd/Aries qncx
Hades/11th/Scorpio An Aries Sun who wants to do
something, even if it's wrong, is in an unstable aspect with
destructive Hades in the house of groups. Something needs to
change, or are things stuck in a perpetual Catch-22? This
likewise suggests a catastrophic event facilitates a shift. I-Jupiter/5th/Taurus
qncx Sibly Saturn/10th/Libra Saturn as noted earlier
represents conservatives, who want something to change, and
are not happy with the Senate's lack of action. Jupiter as
significator of judges, could bring forth a decision that
forces it, one way or the other. I-Saturn/3rd/Pisces
sqr Sibly Asc/1st/Sagittarius This suggests the populace
does not agree with the squishy border and the situation down
south. They want to see something done and are continually
disappointed. I-Pluto/2nd/Aquarius
tri Sibly Midheaven/10th/Libra The 2nd house includes the
treasury, finances, resources, and the standard of living.
It's already transforming in a negative direction which is
reflecting on the country's image and reputation. This is a
classic example of a trine not being a good thing. I-Pluto/2nd sqr
Sibly Hades/11th This does not bode well for
the financial situation or standard of living. Pluto tends to
operate as the Phoenix, bringing everything to ashes, prior to
rebirth, with Hades offering assistance in that initial
destruction. I-Neptune/3rd/Pisces
ssxt Sibly Pluto/2nd/Capricorn More Neptunian gaslighting
relative to the border and its financial impact. It's an
annoyance causing friction, but going nowhere not likely to
achieve anything. When the Moon and Mars get
together it usually indicates a temper tantrum. Taking place
in the 3rd house, which includes infrastructure and therefore
the southern border, this looks as if people directly involved
in that situation are going to take matters into their own
hands. With the Texas National Guard already there, no telling
how this could play out. Emotions are a powerful motivator and
Aquarius leans toward what the people want. This is promising
for action, but not likely directly from the federal
government. I-Neptune/3rd/Pisces
ssxt Sibly Moon/3rd/Aquarius and sextile S-Pluto Neptune's snow job is not
likely to be effective with an Aquarius Moon, but cause more
friction and fuel that temper tantrum induced by Mars. The
sextile with Pluto could represent disinformation relative to
financial impact or suggest the financial situation is in
control when it's not. Reports on the state of the economy are
not based on fact so this looks like more of the same. I-Eris/4th/Aries sqr
Sibly Mercury/8th/Cancer As always, Eris does not
want the policy reviewed and changed. There will be a lot of
outcry from those who favor this immigration tsunami. I-Phaethon/4th/Aries
square Sibly PoF-Vx/8th/Cancer Phaethon, the "crash and
burn" asteroid, squares the Part of Fortune and Vertex in the
house of death. This looks like a fated clash that will not
end well. |
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