For the past several years I've been invited to join two other astrologers to present to the Astrological Society of Austin what we expect to happen in the coming year. While predicting details is typically risky and what earns astrologers bad reputations as fortune tellers, the general climate is relatively easy to discern. For 2016 I predicted, in a nutshell, that it would be a year full of reversals, changes, surprises and transformational change, that nothing would transpire as expected, specifically for the USA. I don't think I'd get too many arguments that such didn't occur. So what's
coming in 2017? A lot. This is likely to be a very interesting year
during which numerous themes are playing part in an intricate,
ongoing cycle. Each sign, planet and house has a specific meaning.
Planets interact with each other astrologically as they orbit the
Sun, especially the slow-moving ones, e.g. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune, Pluto and Eris. These planets are known as "Great
Chronocrators" or rulers of the ages, and are considered of great
importance in shaping the course of history. Their combinations
emphasize certain themes. For example, the Jupiter - Saturn cycle
relates to the manifestation of beliefs, the Jupiter - Uranus cycle
relates to breaking free and sudden change, and the Jupiter - Pluto
cycle has been associated with the rise of international terrorism,
but also applies to any bid for power and control, regardless of the
methods employed to achieve it.
Jupiter - Saturn Cycle Looking closer at this combination explains why
their interaction is associated with the manifestation of beliefs.
Jupiter relates to common values and belief systems. It represents
law, ensuring justice, and lawful control of the population's
behavior. It also includes religion and common beliefs as well as
our socialization through universities, publishing, philosophy, and
philanthropy. A nation's sense of well-being relates to Jupiter as
well as prosperity, wealth and banking. Jupiter, in general,
represents the expansive principle of growth. Saturn, on the other hand, represents those
institutions which distinguish order from chaos. It tends to be
restrictive and thus determines the amount of freedom a society
permits or denies itself. It includes its legal system, permanent
civil service, as well as conservative and restraining bodies. It
embodies repressive and controlling forces in a State, e.g. police,
and reflects a nation's attitude toward law and order, hierarchies,
taboos and old practices. It also includes reactionary forces and
fear that resists change. In its simplest form, it governs authority
and tradition. Saturn, in general, represents restrictions,
boundaries, tradition and organization. So what happens when these somewhat diametric influences combine? Typically, it relates to the interaction
between the perception of ideas, potentialities and possibilities as
they manifest in the material world. It includes the development and
evolution of social structures as well as the sense of corporate
national identity. There are two ways these planets can get
together. It can be interaction between a transiting planet, i.e.
its real-time position in space, and the birth chart of an
individual or nation, or it can be two transiting planets. When it's the former, the
effect is on the individual or nation; when the latter, its effect
is global. Currently, a new Jupiter - Saturn cycle is
beginning for the USA. The "birth chart" I use is one called the
Sibley Chart, which considers the USA's birth date to be 4 July
1776. There are other charts as well, such as the Paris Treaty
chart, when the USA officially became an independent country, but
I've had considerable success using this one. I see the Sibley Chart
as representing the will of the people, that somewhat renegade
spirit of independence that opposes oppression. Furthermore, in my
experience, the Universe wants us to have these cosmic insights and
is pretty liberal with revealing its intent with a variety of
sources. This new Jupiter - Saturn cycle began for the
USA on 19 November 2016, less than two weeks after the last
election. The tone of this aspect included more than these two
planets, it also included all the others and how they were
interacting, thus defining the energy surrounding that event. You
might compare it to the band or orchestra accompanying two people
singing a duet. The singers and their song remain the same, but its
flavor is greatly affected by whether it's the London Symphony or a
garage band backing them up. Explaining the astrological impact would be
like recounting a musical score, note by note, which is not only too
complicated to explain to non-astrologers, which most of my readers
are, but would make your eyes glaze over, anyway, so I'll jump to
the bottom line: Chaos! It indicated resistance to abrupt change,
unrest, a new era for religion and belief systems, as well as
changes related to immigrants, minorities and factions of all
descriptions. This, however, is a bit of a false start. Due to
Jupiter's retrograde motion, this conjunction will occur two more
times before it settles in for the long haul. The next hit, when Jupiter is retrograde,
occurs 7 May 2017. This chart implies that the opinion of
protesters, particularly immigrants, factions, and minorities, will
go largely unheeded. Change represents crisis to some but, in spite
of friction, the populace will be mostly supportive. Discussions,
negotiations and policy changes will be implemented about which
everyone will not be happy much less agree. Retrograde Jupiter
generally relates to ethics issues, which also includes the rule of
law while Saturn relates to regulations. But this aspect is
temporary, the time during which these discussions will take place
and some implemented, but not all of them will be permanent. The final contact on 12 July 2017 indicates
changes of direction that survive to that point and are still in
progress. They may be too idealistic or unrealistic. Manifesting all
of them into reality is not likely. Resistance to transformational
change from the opposition party will continue and there will be
some restructuring based on protests and diverse opinions.
Nonetheless, the national mood for the most part will remain
supportive and receptive, even though an aggressive,
transformational change of direction will leave some comforts
behind. Not everyone will be happy. This will be the prevailing
influence for the coming three years. Mark these dates and see what develops and how
it applies to the Jupiter - Saturn principle of how beliefs are
manifested. Meanwhile Jupiter and Saturn in their real-time
locations in our solar system, which influences the world at large,
are in a position known as a waning sextile. This is an aspect that
indicates opportunity and an exchange of ideas and ways to structure
them. The sextile will not perfect immediately, even though it's
coming into range, because Jupiter, as noted above, is stationing
retrograde 6 February, delaying its exactitude. The cosmic dance is
interrupted even further when Saturn, likewise, goes retrograde, the
aspect finally occurring 27 August, making that another date to
watch regarding the ongoing earthly drama taking place regarding how
humans express their beliefs and build them into a social structure. |
Part II: Jupiter - Uranus: Breaking free & sudden change Part III: Jupiter - Pluto: Pursuit of Power & Control by Force |
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