January 2018 Astrocast

Retrograde Planets: 


Mercury (29:18 - 13:00 Sagittarius) 3 - 22 December 2017

(Shadow until 10 January 2018)

Uranus (28:31 - 24:34 Aries) 3 August - 2017 - 2 January 2018

(Shadow until 19 April 2018)

Neptune (14:15 - 11:28 Pisces) 16 June - 22 November 2017

(Shadow until 14 March 2018)

Saturn (27:48 - 21:11 Sagittarius) 6 April - 25 August 2017

(Shadow until 1 December 2017)

Pluto (19:24 - 16:51 Capricorn) 20 April - 28 September 2017

(Shadow until 19 January 2018)


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Sun   Moon  Mercury   Venus   Mars   Jupiter   Saturn   Uranus   Neptune   Pluto  

1st House  2nd House  3rd House  4th House  5th House  6th House  7th House  8th House  

9th House  10th House  11th House  12th House

Aspects     Sign Rulers     Fire-Earth-Air-Water     Cardinal-Fixed-Mutable

Eclipses  Solar Returns  Retrograde Planets

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(Signifies an ending, culmination or shift to a new phase)
(Brings something new into your life)
(Ending, culmination, or shift to a new phase with some extra punch)
Date: 1 January 2018 Date: 16 January 2018 Date: 31 January 2018
Position: 11:38 Cancer (Strongest influence for those born ~ April 2) Position: 26:54 Capricorn (Strongest influence for those born ~ April 16) Position: 11:39 Leo (Strongest influence for those born ~1 April)
Natural House: 4th Natural House: 10th Natural House: 5th
Influences of the 4th include your home environment, memories, cultural roots, endings and new beginnings.  This covers a wide array since it represents the ending and beginning of a new cycle.  With a Full Moon, which also indicates an ending or shift to a new phase, this is more likely than usual to bring something important.
Influences of the 10th house include your career, status, public image, and reputation.  "Status" includes anything in the public record as well as honors, titles, distinctions (both positive and negative) or even things as simple as what you might post to Facebook. This could bring a new career opportunity or attention to your accomplishments.  It's a favorable time to promote your interests or enhance your image.
Influences of the 5th house include your ego definition, creativity, children, romance, entertainment and speculation.  It's sometimes referred to as the "fun house" since most of what resides here is pleasant. A Full Moon in this house could indicate the completion of something in its domain, such as a creative endeavor or doing something fun you've been planning for a while, such as a vacation. Children may pass a milestone or a romance may end or shift to a higher level, i.e. committed relationships are a 7th house matter.


The New Years starts with a bang, at least for those in North and South America, where a Full Moon occurs on 1 January, though it will be a day later on the calendar for other timezones. The lunation is in Cancer with the Sun, Venus, Saturn and Pluto in opposing sign, Capricorn, keeping the Sun company. Venus is conjunct the Sun, which should give it some favorable vibes with regard to love and money. A Full Moon by definition involves an opposition, i.e. the Sun and Moon, suggesting the need to balance your head and heart, it's usual implications that something will end, culminate, or shift to a new phase, which you can find hints regarding in the box above that notes which natural house this occurs within. Oppositions can be mitigated by a planet that is in soft aspect to the opposing planets, meaning it forms a sextile with one, and a trine with the other. In this case, there are two planets lending a hand to understand and put this lunation to work in a positive way.

One is Neptune, which suggests employing your intuition to learn and progress at a spiritual level from any difficulties or challenges that come your way. This is always good advice, but Saturn's position provides a little extra cosmic help. Mars helping as well, suggesting that taking action as opposed to just thinking about it, can also mitigate any possible inertia. Remember that Mars and Jupiter have been conjunct for a while now, which makes for a cool view in the late night sky, their astrological implications to expand upon what you're passionate about and take steps in that direction. Mercury is direct after being retrograde much of December, but still hanging out in philosophical Sagittarius. Mercury is in debility in that sign, where his energy can be scattered in too many directions (which I know for a fact since I have him there in my natal chart and I'm all over the map in my interests). His trine to Uranus in Aries will accentuate this further, but could bring some innovative ideas your way, or at least serve as a distraction if you're experiencing a bit of winter doldrums for those in the Northern hemisphere.

Uranus is in the process of stationing direct just short of 12 hours after the lunation. This is just enough time for the Moon to oppose Pluto and Mercury to likewise connect with Pluto as a semi-sextile, a minor aspect that tends to bring friction or some irritation, though it can often be a cloud with a silver lining. A burst of Uranian energy tends to bring surprises, so be on guard. I would be particularly careful driving or engaging in any other somewhat risky activity at this time.


The New Moon on 16 January is in Capricorn and has even more planets in that sign than for the Full Moon. Now the lineup includes the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto. As always, a New Moon indicates something new, or perhaps a new phase. Venus is still part of the lunation, so love and money are implied. Other than that, the planets are mostly unaspected, except for Pluto, who is linked up with Jupiter by a sextile and with Uranus by a square. This suggests a sudden change, possibly related to the past, an unresolved issue, or a situation where someone is in control and can force the issue. Jupiter is likely to inflate it, or possibly bring some luck. A change of direction is implied between Mars and Uranus. With it a new year, you can always hope the change represents an improvement. There were numerous occurrences in 2017 that were challenging, to say the least, so we can always hope this year will be friendlier, at least on the personal level. Remember that regardless of what natural disasters and political upheavals happen around you, like they say, where there's chaos there's opportunity. It can be catastrophic for some, beneficial for others. Everyone is an individual with a different natal chart which is affected by lunations and transits in a unique manner. Thus, some may have found this last year beneficial while others thought it sucked. 2018 is likely to be much the same.


This lunation on 31 January is a lunar eclipse, which gives it additional punch. In other words, its influence can come before or significantly after its occurrence. As the second Full Moon this month, it is also a "blue moon", which only occurs in a given month every 2.7 years. As an eclipse, if it's any color besides its usual white, it will be reddish-orange during totality. Of course, a Moon is often colored red when it appears during sunrise or sunset from atmospheric effects, which is also why it's red during an eclipse. So enough of the astronomy lesson, let's see what this one is all about astrologically. It's a member of the 1 South group of the Saros series of eclipses, which has an influence as well. According to eclipse guru, Bernadette Brady, this one is "concerned with ideas and their enthusiastic expression. If this eclipse affects your chart, you will be flooded with ideas or options. There may seem to be an element of haste, but if you can go with the new ideas, they will have positive outcomes." ("Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark" by Bernadette Brady, p. 308-9)

The aspects of this specific eclipse are relatively soft, though likely to bring a change of direction as it applies to your dreams and visions, which could be in either a positive or negative direction. What you want versus what you get is likely to either present numerous obstacles or be unexpectedly disappointing. On the positive side, opportunities to see your passion in a different perspective as the result of a personal transformation are possible. Maybe you'll discover that what you thought you wanted isn't so great after all.


If your birthday is right around April 15, Uranus has been sitting on your natal Sun and will station direct from that location. Thus, you should pay particular attention to what it says about that under the Full Moon. Unexpected news or some blast from the past is quite likely and could shake things up a bit.

Saturn has just gone into Capricorn, which is the sign he rules. As noted in a previous post, the last time Saturn was in Capricorn was c. 1988, so looking back to that general time frame can provide a few hints regarding what effects it will have. Generally speaking, Saturn spends a little over two years in each sign. He has a somewhat unpleasant reputation, since he's conventional, represents authority, and paying the price for misdeeds, a.k.a. karma. Anything you mess up is likely to be brought to your attention by Saturn, sooner or later. Since Saturn will be parked on my natal Sun for much of this month, I'm curious what that will produce. With him in the sign he rules, he should function well and hopefully in a less malefic manner. I can always hope.

All that energy in Capricorn will emphasize that sign's energy, so let's take a look at that. Capricorn is the 10th house of the zodiac which represents such things as status, reputation, public image, corporations, governments, authority figures, recognition, fame, and the like, and ruled by Saturn, as noted earlier. Security, particularly financial security, are important, and Pluto in that sign is adding power and control, which you can witness in the news as far as the various power grabs out there. Pluto exposes corruption, and we've certainly seen plenty of that as well at the corporation, government, and public figure level. Saturn relates to building and structure, which suggests that as this corruption is exposed and eliminated, rebuilding and restructuring will take place. On the global level, watch for this in the next few years, and in your personal life as well, particularly as it relates to the house Capricorn represents for you, which you can find under the New Moon box at the top of the page.

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